Social isolation in the U.S. rose even as the pandemic began to subside in the spring, new research shows.
Tag: Elderly
For Seniors Especially, Covid Can Be Stealthy
With infections increasing once more, and hospitalization rising among older adults, health experts offer a timely warning: a coronavirus infection can look different in older patients.
Covid Is Especially Risky for People With H.I.V., Large Study Finds
An H.I.V. infection increases the odds of dying from Covid-19 by at least 30 percent, researchers said.
Long Slide Looms for World Population, With Sweeping Ramifications
Fewer babies’ cries. More abandoned homes. Toward the middle of this century, as deaths start to exceed births, changes will come that are hard to fathom.
Over 70 Percent of Older U.S. Adults Are Fully Vaccinated
The proportion of those with full protection is much higher among older Americans than among younger people.
Once-a-Decade Census Shows an Aging, Better-Educated China
The country is locked in a demographic crisis. But the figures also showed rising education and urbanization levels.
Lucha libre, yoga y baile: bienvenidos a los centros de vacunación de Ciudad de México
Muchas personas mayores en Ciudad de México llegaban “con miedo” a los centros de vacunación, preocupadas de que el pinchazo les hiciera daño, dijo un funcionario. “Quisimos distraerlos”. Y entraron en escena las bandas de música y los luchadores enmas…
Lucha Libre, Yoga, Dancing: Welcome to Mexico City’s Vaccination Sites
To calm Mexico City’s elderly, who were arriving “really scared” at vaccination sites, officials cued up the bands and masked wrestlers.
Young Italians Are Accused of Jumping the Line for Vaccines
“How can people in all conscience jump the line?” Prime Minister Mario Draghi said. “Knowing that they leave exposed a person who is over 75 to a risk, a concrete risk of dying, or a fragile person?”
‘They Have No One’: At 88, a Transgender Icon Combats Loneliness Among Seniors
Samantha Flores, who created a community center in Mexico City for older L.G.B.T.Q. people that closed during the pandemic, is hoping to reopen it.