The American hesitation to take military action may signal a weakening of its commitment to protect the Arab Persian Gulf and could embolden Iran.
Tag: Embargoes and Sanctions
Hard-Liners in Iran See No Drawback to Bellicose Strategy
Trying to win sanctions relief, officials in Tehran believe they can lash out against American allies without suffering serious penalties, analysts say.
Trump Says Iran Appears Responsible for Saudi Attack but That He Wants to Avoid War
Mr. Trump, who has been trying to draw the Iranians into talks, appeared to seek a de-escalation, saying “I know they want to make a deal.”
Trump Leaves Open Possibility of Easing Iranian Sanctions to Spur Nuclear Talks
Asked whether he would consider relaxing the penalties if that would ease the path to a meeting, President Trump said, “We’ll see what happens.”
Five Policy Clashes Between John Bolton and President Trump
John R. Bolton, a national security hawk, and President Trump disagreed on how to approach a number of international issues.
Iranian Tanker Seen Near Syria ‘Unloaded Its Cargo,’ Tehran Says
Western nations had tried to prevent the Adrian Darya 1 from delivering 2.1 million barrels of oil to President Bashar al-Assad’s government in Syria.
Images from Space Show Released Iranian Oil Tanker Near Syrian Coast
Gibraltar released the tanker last month after Iran promised it would not deliver its 2.1 million barrels of oil to Syria.
Iran Will No Longer Honor Nuclear Deal’s Limits on Research
The move was Iran’s third retaliatory step since President Trump renounced the 2015 agreement.
France Dangles $15 Billion Bailout for Iran in Effort to Save Nuclear Deal
President Emmanuel Macron has proposed a deal to compensate Iran for lost oil sales in exchange for the country agreeing to return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear accord.
North Korea Missile Tests, ‘Very Standard’ to Trump, Show Signs of Advancing Arsenal
American intelligence officials and outside experts say that Kim Jong-un is capitalizing on President Trump’s downplaying of his weapons testing to significantly improve the North’s arsenal.