At a conference meant to find a solution to the standoff in Venezuela, John R. Bolton, the Trump administration’s national security adviser, pushed a hard-line approach and rejected compromises.
Tag: Embargoes and Sanctions
Trump Imposes New Sanctions on Venezuela
The order freezes the property and assets of the Venezuelan government, but some sanctions experts were skeptical about its likely effects.
Trump Imposes New Sanctions on Venezuela
The order freezes the property and assets of the Venezuelan government, but some sanctions experts were skeptical about its likely effects.
U.S. Sanctions on Foreign Minister Unite Iran’s Fractious Elite
Iranian officialdom, often seen as deeply split, stood unified behind Mohammad Javad Zarif, while the White House seemed divided.
Wary of Trump’s Hard Line on Iran, Europeans Decline to Join Escorts in Gulf
The Europeans see risks of escalation in the conflict with Tehran, and they want to distance themselves from the U.S. policy of “maximum pressure.”
Trump Administration Imposes Sanctions on Iran’s Top Diplomat
Officials described the foreign minister of Iran, Mohammad Javad Zarif, who worked closely with the Obama administration, as being part of a “propaganda arm.”
Iran Links British Seizure of Oil Tanker to Ailing Nuclear Deal
Iran is trying to increase the pressure on European nations to make good on the promised financial benefits of the nuclear agreement.
Is B.D.S. Anti-Semitic? A Closer Look at the Boycott Israel Campaign
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement aims to press Israel to change its policies toward the Palestinians. It has generated heated debate and much misinformation.
New North Korean Missile Comes With Angry Message to South Korea’s President
The North said its leader, Kim Jong-un, arranged Thursday’s launch to punish the “double-dealing” of President Moon Jae-in. Analysts detected growing frustration as sanctions bite.
U.S. Sanctions Venezuelan Elites for Alleged Food Corruption Scheme
Three stepsons of President Nicolás Maduro and a Colombian business partner are accused of running a scheme to siphon money meant to feed the country’s starving population.