The wolf is “dangerous” and “breeds explosively.” The way some politicians talk about wolves sounds a lot like the way they talk about immigrants.
Tag: Endangered and Extinct Species
Fossils Are Filling Out the Human Family Tree
The more fossils we find, the more we learn that many kinds of humans have lived on Earth.
Seizure of 14 Tons of Pangolin Scales in Singapore Sets a Dismal Record
If the illegal trade in the scaly anteater is not curtailed, “pangolins face the risk of going extinct,” an official with a conservation group said.
Trilobites: How Seals Took to the Seas
By comparing the bones of ancient and contemporary seals, researchers say a particular biting style helped the marine mammals’ landlubber ancestors move into the oceans.
Fossil Site Reveals Day That Meteor Hit Earth and, Maybe, Wiped Out Dinosaurs
A jumble of entombed plants and creatures offers a vivid glimpse of the apocalypse that all but ended life 66 million years ago.
Matter: The Plague Killing Frogs Everywhere Is Far Worse Than Scientists Thought
As a threat to wildlife, an amphibian fungus has become “the most deadly pathogen known to science.”
An Orangutan Named Hope Was Repeatedly Shot With an Air Rifle. She Was Blinded but Survived.
Rescuers found the animal and her malnourished baby on an oil palm plantation in Indonesia. She survived, but her baby did not.
This Songbird Is Nearly Extinct in the Wild. An International Treaty Could Help Save It — but Won’t.
Over a quarter of the species threatened by commercial trade are not protected by Cites, the global agreement intended to save them.
Tyrannosaurus Rex: The Once and Future King
The dinosaur will always be the predator potentate. But let’s not forget all the other members of the royal family.
Philippines Dispatch: Brazen Crocodile Preys on a Philippine Town: ‘It Was Like He Was Showing Off’
Crocodiles are a fact of life in Balabac, a marshy island town. To some, the animals are sacred, but others want revenge for attacks on people, not to mention countless dogs and goats snatched away.