Telegram and Signal, the encrypted services that keep conversations confidential, are increasingly popular. Our tech columnists discuss whether this could get ugly.
Tag: Facebook Inc
An Australia With No Google? The Bitter Fight Behind a Drastic Threat
The big tech platforms are facing a challenge unlike any other as Australia moves to make them pay for news.
Facebook and Twitter Face International Scrutiny After Trump Ban
Human rights groups and activists have spent years urging the companies to do more to remove content that encouraged violence.
Millions Flock to Telegram and Signal as Fears Grow Over Big Tech
The encrypted messaging services have become the world’s hottest apps over the last week, driven by growing anxiety over the power of the biggest tech companies and privacy concerns.
Uganda Blocks Facebook Ahead of Contentious Election
President Yoweri Museveni accused the company of “arrogance” after it removed fake accounts and pages linked to his re-election campaign.
Your Friday Briefing
A wounded U.S. in turmoil
From Voter Fraud to Vaccine Lies: Misinformation Peddlers Shift Gears
Election-related falsehoods have subsided, but misleading claims about the coronavirus vaccines are surging — often spread by the same people.
Big Tech Turns Its Lobbyists Loose on Europe, Alarming Regulators
Silicon Valley is building a powerful influence industry in Brussels, which has “never seen this kind of money” spent this way.
Your Friday Briefing
An F.D.A. panel gives the Pfizer vaccine the green light.
‘On Social Media, There Are Thousands’: In Cuba, Internet Fuels Rare Protests
Artists gathered by the hundreds in Cuba’s largest protest in decades after seeing videos of police detentions that were filmed on cellphones and circulated online.