Competing for influence in the region with China, the United States will for the first time have an embassy in the tiny nation of islands off the shore of India.
Tag: Far East, South and Southeast Asia and Pacific Areas
The Rise of Child Labor in the Coronavirus Pandemic
With schools closed and families desperate for income, millions of children are being forced into work that is often dangerous, arduous and illegal.
From Asia to Africa, China Promotes Its Vaccines to Win Friends
With pledges of a coronavirus vaccine, China is on a charm offensive to repair strained diplomatic ties and bolster engagement with other countries.
Why Did a Chinese Diplomat Walk All Over People on a Pacific Island?
The dispute over a welcome ceremony in Kiribati has put concerns about Chinese diplomacy and colonialism front and center.
U.S. Says Most of China’s Claims in South China Sea Are Illegal
The announcement by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo portends more American military operations to push back Chinese maritime activity and sanctions on Chinese companies.
China’s Military Provokes Its Neighbors, but the Message Is for the United States
From the Himalayas to the South China Sea, China is pressing its territorial claims aggressively, raising the possibility of additional deadly clashes.
Naikon, Group Tied to China’s Military, Deploys Debilitating New Cyberattack Tool
An Israeli security company said the hacking software, called Aria-body, had been deployed against governments and state-owned companies in Australia and Southeast Asia.
U.S. Military Seeks More Funding for Pacific Region After Pandemic
A report delivered to Congress last week called for $20.1 billion in equipment, exercises and defense investments to counter China in 2021 and beyond.
Why Asia’s New Wave of Virus Cases Should Worry the World
After a surge in cases tied to international travelers, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and other places that seemed to have the epidemic under control have imposed stricter measures.
Coronavirus Refugees: The World’s Most Vulnerable Face Pandemic
Crowded camps, depleted clinics and scarce soap and water make social distancing and even hand-washing impossible for millions of refugees.