Inflation has surged across advanced economies. The shared experience underlines that price gains come from temporary drivers — for now.
Tag: Federal Reserve System
A Hedge Fund Bailout Highlights How Regulators Ignored Big Risks
The Dodd-Frank financial law succeeded at making banks safer, but empowered shadowy corners of finance that nearly wrecked the system in March.
Will the Coronavirus Cause a Recession? Keep Your Eye on the Barbershops
The Fed reduced rates to keep the effects of the outbreak from spreading to sectors not directly affected by the virus.
Global Health Crisis 1, Economic Policymakers 0
As leaders of the world’s wealthiest countries pledged to limit the damage from the coronavirus, they appeared to be operating with limited options.
Coronavirus Fears Reverberate Across Global Economy
The stock market had its worst week since 2008, signaling that one of the longest expansions in history could be ending. Policymakers said they were ready to act.
As U.S.-Iran Tensions Flare, Iraq Is Caught in the Middle
After U.S. airstrikes killed an Iranian leader, Iraq’s Parliament voted to expel American forces. Some Iraqi officials say that would be disastrous for Iraq.
Global Recession Risks Are Up, and Central Banks Aren’t Ready
The world’s monetary authorities have limited policy space, and it’s unclear whether their backup plans will suffice to bolster growth and inflation.
The Week in Business: Stocks Hit a Record High, and Facebook Wants to Replace Your Bank
Plus, tensions with Iran reach a boiling point and Trump’s meeting with China’s president.
Facebook, Criminal Justice, Federal Reserve: Your Wednesday Briefing
Here’s what you need to know.