Demand for tulips dropped precipitously as flower shops around the globe have shut, consumers have gone into lockdown and celebrations have been canceled.
Tag: Flowers and Plants
How Did Plants Conquer Land? These Humble Algae Hold Clues
Two algal species share important genes with all modern land plants, a new analysis finds.
The Green Revolution Spreading Across Our Rooftops
Green roofs can save energy, reduce air pollution and attract residents with their appealing look. Now, cities worldwide are enshrining them into law.
This Carnivorous Plant Invaded New York. That May Be Its Only Hope.
The waterwheel lives a double life: facing extinction in its native habitat even as it creeps into places where it doesn’t belong.
The Kabul Bureau’s Accidental Gardener
The garden is not often the first thing on our minds, as we cover Afghanistan’s long war. I didn’t notice what was going on until I looked out the window in front of my desk on the second floor and saw a hollyhock at eye level.
This Songbird Is Nearly Extinct in the Wild. An International Treaty Could Help Save It — but Won’t.
Over a quarter of the species threatened by commercial trade are not protected by Cites, the global agreement intended to save them.
Brexit Could Leave Wedding Bouquets Stuck at the Border
From greenhouses in Kenya to auction houses in the Netherlands to florists in London, the shipment of flowers highlights Brexit’s potential disruption to trade.