Guo Gangtang’s cross-country, decades-long search for his son inspired a movie. Now, there’s an ending fit for Hollywood.
Tag: Forensic Science
Parents Who Never Stopped Searching Reunite With Son Abducted 24 Years Ago
Guo Gangtang’s cross-country, decades-long search for his son inspired a movie. Now, there’s an ending fit for Hollywood.
China Still Buys American DNA Equipment for Xinjiang Despite Blocks
The U.S. government has long tried to prevent the sales over concerns about rights abuses and surveillance. Documents show those efforts have failed.
DNA Could Identify Somerton Man Exhumed in Australia
This week the police disinterred a body, found on a beach in 1948, that has puzzled investigators for decades. “There’s lots of twists and turns in this case, and every turn is pretty weird,” one said.
China Is Collecting DNA From Tens of Millions of Men and Boys, Using U.S. Equipment
Even children are pressed into giving blood samples to build a sweeping genetic database that will add to Beijing’s growing surveillance capabilities, raising questions about abuse and privacy.
How Jeff Bezos’ iPhone X Was Hacked
It most likely began with a tiny bit of code that implanted malware, which gave attackers access to Mr. Bezos’ photos and texts.
China Uses DNA to Map Faces, With Help From the West
Beijing’s pursuit of control over a Muslim ethnic group pushes the rules of science and raises questions about consent.
Man Confesses to Brutal Killings That Terrorized South Korea, Police Say
A 56-year-old man has confessed to raping and murdering 14 women more than two decades ago, the police said in naming the suspect.
China Uses DNA to Track Its People, With the Help of American Expertise
The Chinese authorities turned to a Massachusetts company and a prominent Yale researcher as they built an enormous system of surveillance and control.
Times Insider: How Times Reporters Froze a Fatal Moment on a Protest Field in Gaza
A volunteer medic was killed by Israeli gunfire on June 1. Times reporters combined a forensic visual investigation with on-the-ground reporting to reconstruct what happened and tell her story.