The European Union and four South American countries have reached an agreement to establish one of the largest trade zones in the world.
Tag: France
How Notre-Dame Was Reborn
It took about 250 companies, 2,000 workers, about $900 million, a tight deadline and a lot of national pride.
Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris Reopens After 2019 Fire: What to Know
Millions of visitors will flock to the Parisian cathedral after it reopens in December for the first time since a destructive fire in 2019.
Emmanuel Macron Says He Won’t Resign France’s Presidency
A day after his chosen prime minister was forced to resign, President Emmanuel Macron denounced his political opponents.
French Prime Minister Michel Barnier to Stay as Caretaker for Now. What Happens Next?
Prime Minister Michel Barnier lost a no-confidence vote in Parliament on Wednesday. President Emmanuel Macron will choose a replacement, though when that will happen is unclear.
For Macron, Notre-Dame’s Reopening Offers Respite From Political Crisis
The 860-year-old cathedral has been repaired in a time frame many thought impossible. But rather than basking in success, President Emmanuel Macron is mired in political crisis.
France’s Prime Minister Michel Barnier Loses No-Confidence Vote
Prime Minister Michel Barnier will most likely remain as a caretaker until a replacement is named. But the vote could create a wider opening for the far right.
Stripping Down for a Night at a French Museum
To report on an unclothed visit to an exhibition about social nudism, a Times journalist chose to join the party. Her mother did, too.
French Prime Minister Michel Barnier Offers Resignation After Government Collapse. What Happens Now?
Prime Minister Michel Barnier lost a no-confidence vote in the lower house of Parliament on Wednesday. He will stay on for now as a caretaker, the presidency announced.
France’s Prime Minister Could Be Forced to Resign This Week. Here’s What Could Happen Next.
A vote by Parliament could force the prime minister to resign, leaving his budget legislation in limbo.