The artist, Lars Vilks, had been under police protection since 2010, after his sketch prompted widespread condemnation from Muslims. He was killed along with two bodyguards in a crash that the police said was an accident.
Tag: Freedom of Speech and Expression
‘Fake News’ Bill in South Korea Gets Shelved Amid Outcry
Right groups warned that a proposed new law would discourage the media from reporting critically on powerful people.
Facebook Comments Can Get Media Firms Sued in Australia
Australia’s top court has said media companies can be held liable for replies to their posts, prompting some to step back from the platform.
Germany Struggles to Stop Online Abuse Ahead of Election
Despite having one of the world’s toughest laws against online hate speech and harassment, Germany has struggled to contain toxic content ahead of its Sept. 26 election.
Apple and Google Remove ‘Navalny’ Voting App in Russia
The app, created by allies of the opposition leader Aleksei Navalny, vanished from online stores, reflecting a new level of pressure against U.S. technology companies in the country.
India-Backed Forces Order Kashmir’s Poets to Go Silent
Harsh measures against dissent have trickled down to practitioners of the region’s poetic traditions, with many saying they have been told to stop.
Exile or Jail: The Grim Choice Facing Russian Opposition Leaders
Experts say the current exodus of journalists and dissidents is the biggest wave of political emigration in the country’s post-Soviet history.
Taliban Ramp Up on Social Media, Defying Bans by the Platforms
More than 100 new official or pro-Taliban accounts and pages have surfaced on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, despite a ban on the group by the sites.
How Beijing Has Buried Hong Kong’s Last Vestige of Democracy
The landslide victory of pro-democracy politicians in local elections in 2019 was a stunning rebuke of Beijing. Now, fear of retaliation has driven them to quit.
Hong Kong Police Arrest 5 Over Children’s Books Deemed ‘Seditious’
A story that portrayed the police as wolves helped lead to the arrests of five leaders of a speech therapists’ union.