The intelligence services cannot randomly search the digital data of citizens of other countries living abroad, judges said, in a decision welcomed by civil rights activists.
Tag: Freedom of the Press
Sajid Hussain: Exiled Pakistani Journalist Found Dead in Sweden
The police said an initial investigation did not suggest foul play in the death of Sajid Hussain, but journalism groups expressed skepticism and concern.
Coronavirus Threatens Press Freedom Around the World, Report Says
The United States, which ranked 45th out of 180 countries and territories, and Brazil were becoming models of hostility toward the news media, according to the World Press Freedom Index.
China Police Censor Tales of Post-Coronavirus Renewal
Hefei, an industrial city, offers tales of hope for a world battling the outbreak. The police tried to make sure they weren’t heard.
Myanmar Journalists Who Quoted Rebel Spokesman Face Arrest
The authorities detained one editor and were seeking two others after they published stories on the rebel Arakan Army. Their news websites were also blocked.
Under Modi, India’s Press Is Not So Free Anymore
India’s government has pressured advertisers and even shut down channels to shape the information that 1.3 billion Indians receive. It’s part of a wider assault on dissent.
U.S. Officials Push for Expelling Suspected Chinese Spies at Media Outlets
Trump administration officials are discussing taking action after China said it would expel almost all American journalists for The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.
China Defends Expulsion of American Journalists, Accusing U.S. of Prejudice
An official said the expulsions were needed to defend China’s media against American suppression. Chinese state media outlets criticized American newspapers for coverage they described as biased.
Pakistan Arrests a Media Owner, and Journalists Cry Foul
The owner, Mir Shakil-ur-Rehman, is one of Pakistan’s most influential media figures. The prime minister, Imran Khan, has shown particular impatience with its coverage.
Trump Administration Considers Punishing Chinese News Organizations
U.S. officials said they were looking at ways to retaliate for China’s expulsion of three Wall Street Journal reporters, including evicting Chinese journalists who file intelligence reports.