The U.N.-backed government appeared to be responding to a report in The New York Times and a statement from the European Union.
Tag: Fringe Groups and Movements
Faith Goldy, Former Toronto Mayoral Candidate, Caught in Facebook’s Far-Right Crackdown
Ms. Goldy, a white nationalist, was one of several far-right groups and figures kicked off Facebook on Monday as it clamped down on hate groups.
Anti-Semitism Is Back, From the Left, Right and Islamist Extremes. Why?
Anti-Semitism is now being harnessed for political ends by ideologies that otherwise would have little overlap. That fusion is new, and dangerous, experts say.
He Built a Holocaust Memorial by a Far-Right Leader’s Home. Now He’s Under Investigation.
The artist Philipp Ruch built a section of the Holocaust memorial outside the bedroom window of a far-right politician, Björn Höcke. Now he is the subject of a state investigation.
Donation From New Zealand Attack Suspect Puts Spotlight on Europe’s Far Right
The donation to Martin Sellner, the Austrian head of Generation Identity, has spurred an investigation into whether the group is inspiring violence.
‘Replacement Theory,’ a Racist, Sexist Doctrine, Spreads in Far-Right Circles
A conspiracy theory predicated on the idea that white women are not having enough children appears to be bubbling up across the globe.
New Zealand Massacre Highlights Global Reach of White Extremism
The massacre in New Zealand highlights the contagious ways in which the extreme right has spread in the 21st century — even to a country not strongly associated with it.
Netanyahu Sparks Outrage Over Pact With Racist Party
An increasingly desperate Israeli prime minister has aggravated already fraught relations between Israel and Jews in the diaspora.
As West Bank Violence Surges, Israel Is Silent on Attacks by Jews
Israel’s government has been reluctant to condemn attacks by Jewish settlers, wary of alienating the movement’s supporters in an election year.
Quest to Solve Assassination Mystery Revives an AIDS Conspiracy Theory
In a new documentary, a former South African militia member says his group used phony vaccinations to spread H.I.V. among blacks. Experts are deeply skeptical.