A group of prominent Germans signed a letter expressing outrage at the use of gender-neutral language. But their fight may already be lost.
Tag: Germany
Germany Investigates Why Convicted 9/11 Accomplice Received Prison Wages
Mounir el-Motassadeq served 15 years in a German prison for his role in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. On release, he was paid 7,000 euros.
Debt Collector Seizes Family’s Prized Pug and Sells It on eBay
When a German family fell behind on bills, a debt collector seized their pet dog. Officials called it a “practical solution.” Others called it cruelty.
Germany Dispatch: Where Kale Is King (at Least, When It’s Stewed in Schmaltz and Bacon)
Kale in a smoothie? Or a salad? Not in Germany’s north, where eating the leafy green is celebrated with hikes, parties and lots of animal fat.
Pensions for Nazi Collaborators? Shocking if True (It’s a Big If)
Details about possible payments were found to be exaggerated, misleading or false, but despite the lack of hard evidence, Germany was put on the defensive.
Would You Die for Europe? A Binational Battalion Offers an Answer
A German-led tank battalion with Dutch soldiers gives a glimpse of what a “real European army” may look like one day, though the obstacles are huge.
Rift Between Trump and Europe Is Now Open and Angry
Europeans pushed back against the Trump administration’s unilateralism at the Munich Security Conference, signaling a shift that is likely to be exploited by Russia and China.
News Analysis: Among European Allies, Americans Offer Competing Visions
Remarks by the current vice president and his predecessor defined the dramatic change in American foreign policy that has unnerved traditional allies.
Merkel Rejects U.S. Demands That Europe Pull Out of Iran Nuclear Deal
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany delivered a spirited defense of multilateral institutions in a world increasingly marked by great power rivalry.
Germany Arrests Syrian Intelligence Officers Accused of Crimes Against Humanity
In a joint investigation, German and French authorities arrested three former Syrian intelligence officers accused of torturing thousands of victims in detention centers in Damascus.