The opening day of a climate summit was heavy on dire warnings and light on substantive proposals as leaders in Glasgow met to discuss a warming world.
Tag: Global Warming
Queen Elizabeth Urges Climate Action in COP26 Video
The 95-year-old monarch gave her address by video, after doctors advised her to rest and not go to the summit. Prince Charles attended and delivered a similar message.
David Attenborough Urges Leaders at COP26 Summit to ‘Rewrite Our Story’
“If working apart we are force powerful enough to destabilize our planet,” the naturalist said, “surely working together we are powerful enough to save it.”
Biden Calls for Tougher Actions on Emissions at COP26
“We have only a brief window” to avoid the most disastrous effects of global warming, President Biden warned at the United Nations climate summit.
U.N. Leader, António Guterres, Warns of ‘Climate Catastrophe’ at COP26
He urged countries to review their climate pledges annually rather than every five years as called for in the 2015 Paris accord.
John Kerry Plays Down COP26 Expectations
“Glasgow was never ever going to get every country joining up,” Mr. Kerry said. He’s already looking to next year to build on pledges that nations have made and push them to do more.
What to Watch For At COP26 on Monday and Tuesday
Prime Minister Boris Johnson was first to welcome leaders, who will then lay out “concrete actions and credible plans.” David Attenborough and Prince Charles are also speaking.
Greta Thunberg Is Mobbed as She Arrives in Glasgow for COP26
The activist, whose solo climate strikes in 2018 helped fuel a youth climate movement, was greeted with a mix of cheers and yells upon arriving in the city, according to videos.
What to Watch For At Cop26 on Monday and Tuesday
Prime Minister Boris Johnson will welcome leaders, who will then lay out “concrete actions and credible plans.” David Attenborough and Prince Charles will also speak.
Once a Leading Polluter, the U.K. Is Now Trying to Lead on Climate Change
On the eve of a global climate summit, Britain’s evolution from fossil fuels to clean energy is on display. But experts question whether its commitment is sufficient, and whether it can persuade other nations to meet meaningful goals.