Some devastating impacts of global warming are now unavoidable, a major new scientific report finds. But there is still a short window to stop things from getting even worse.
Tag: Global Warming
After Deadly Floods, a German Village Rethinks Its Relationship to Nature
A long history of bad land use decisions exacerbated the death toll and damage of Germany’s recent megaflood. Some say now is the time to rebuild differently.
How Biden’s E.V. Plan Could Help Tesla and Squeeze Toyota
A push to increase sales of electric vehicles favors companies that already have all-electric cars on the market and could penalize those that don’t.
Greek Villages Evacuated as Wildfires Threaten Ancient Sites
In Greece, firefighters tried to keep flames from reaching ancient Olympia, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Study: Which Countries Will Best Survive a Collapse?
A pair of English researchers found that New Zealand is best poised to stay up and running as climate change continues to wreak global havoc. Other scientists found flaws in their model.
Queen Guitarist’s Flooded London Basement Foretells a Climate Under Pressure
After a heat wave and two Southeast Asia-style rainstorms that flooded the capital’s streets, subways and Brian May’s cellar, it seems timely to ask if the city is prepared to deal with wild weather.
India Landslides and Floods From Monsoon Rains Kill Scores
Every monsoon season poses risks to the country, but this one is shaping up as especially destructive as climate change turbocharges rainfall.
As China Boomed, It Didn’t Take Climate Change Into Account. Now It Must.
China’s breathtaking economic growth created cities ill-equipped to face extreme weather. Last week’s dramatic floods showed that much will have to change.
Flood Deaths in China Show Road Risks From Climate Change
At least four people died in a highway tunnel in central China that flooded at the same time as a subway tunnel after eight inches of rain fell in a single hour.
Russia Signs Deal With Dubai Logistics Company to Navigate Thawing Arctic
DP World, a leading logistics company, agreed on Friday to cooperate with a Russian state company on shipping ventures in the Arctic Ocean.