Blazes that generate such stormy conditions can be nearly impossible to put out and pose special dangers to firefighters.
Tag: Global Warming
Can Fees on Polluting Cars Clean the Air? London Has New Evidence.
The city’s expanded low-emissions zone, which was politically fraught, has cut emissions that contribute to health problems like asthma, new numbers show.
Mediterranean Drought Forces a Hard Choice: Who Gets the Water?
Parts of southern Italy and other countries in the region are experiencing one of their worst droughts in decades. The authorities say they are working to at least save tourism.
Mediterranean Drought Forces a Hard Choice: Who Gets the Water?
Parts of Southern Italy and other countries in the region are experiencing one of their worst droughts in decades. The authorities say they are working to at least save tourism.
Landslides Kill 150 in Ethiopia
A waterlogged hillside above a village gave way, burying several houses in mud. Neighbors and rescue workers who had rushed to help were hit by a second slide.
Landslides Kill 150 in Ethiopia
A waterlogged hillside above a village gave way, burying several houses in mud. Neighbors and rescue workers who had rushed to help were hit by a second slide.
Canada Issues Evacuation Order for Jasper National Park as Wildfires Burn in Alberta
Large blazes in the province have led to the evacuation of thousands of people.
The White House Has a Plan to Slash Plastic Use in the U.S.
The government said it would phase out its purchases of single-use plastics, a significant step because it is the biggest buyer of consumer goods in the world.
Watch Rare Siamese Crocodiles Hatching
The largest population of the endangered Siamese crocodiles this century hatched in Cambodia, a big moment for the conservation of a wild species once on the brink of extinction.
Vineyard Wind Turbine Breaks a Blade, Sending Pieces Ashore on Nantucket
It’s unclear why a blade from one of the Vineyard Wind turbines broke into pieces, which are washing up on Nantucket beaches.