In this monsoon season, so far there have been more than 60 weather-related fatalities. With roads cut off and more rain expected, the toll could rise.
Tag: Global Warming
Pakistan Withers Under Deadly Heat and Fears the Coming Rains
Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, endured days of temperatures above 100 Fahrenheit, made worse by power cuts and high humidity.
What Do Bagged Chickens Have to Do With Sliced Cheese?
Both have gotten caught up in fights over plastic packaging. When Costco recently tried to trim its plastic use by selling rotisserie chickens in bags, some shoppers disapproved.
Can the Labour Party Bring Back Britain’s Green Groove?
The new government, widely expected to be led by Labour, has pledged to fast-track a green energy transition. It will face big challenges.
A String of Supreme Court Decisions Hits Hard at Environmental Rules
Four cases backed by conservative activists in recent years have combined to diminish the power of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Study Finds Small Streams, Recently Stripped of Protections, Are a Big Deal
Half of the water flowing through regional river basins starts in so-called ephemeral streams. Last year, the Supreme Court curtailed federal protections for these waterways.
Rich Gulf States Have Huge Ambitions. Will Extreme Heat Hold Them Back?
The high temperatures blamed for the deaths of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia are taking a broad toll in countries that have spent vast sums to attract tourists and investors.
If You Give a Frog a Sauna, It Might Fight Off a Deadly Fungus
A fatal fungal disease has devastated the world’s amphibians. But the fungus has a vulnerability: It cannot tolerate heat.
If You Give a Frog a Sauna, It Might Fight Off a Deadly Fungus
A fatal fungal disease has devastated the world’s amphibians. But the fungus has a vulnerability: It cannot tolerate heat.
Deaths at Hajj and Big Events Highlight Failures to Adjust to Heat
The deaths of at least 1,300 pilgrims during the hajj point to the growing threat that climate change poses to beloved gatherings.