After a stinging Supreme Court defeat, the prime minister came out fighting on Brexit. He also infuriated some lawmakers by invoking the memory of Jo Cox, a Brexit opponent.
Tag: Great Britain Withdrawal from EU (Brexit)
Boris Johnson Says U.K. Supreme Court ‘Was Wrong’
A day after the Supreme Court reversed Boris Johnson’s suspension of Parliament, his critics clashed angrily with the government over Brexit and other issues.
Lady Hale, U.K. Supreme Court Judge, Speaks Calmly and Brings Down the Hammer
The judge has carved out a long, trailblazing career as an academic, legal reformer and feminist — and she loves striking brooches.
Brexit Turmoil Intensifies as Court Rebukes Boris Johnson
In a major blow to the prime minister, the court ruled unanimously that Parliament is still in session, whatever Mr. Johnson might think.
How the U.K. Supreme Court’s Rebuke to Boris Johnson Remakes British Law
In ruling a suspension of Parliament “unlawful,” some scholars argue that the court brought an American style of judicial review to Britain, with all that entails.
Jeremy Corbyn Wins Brexit Showdown With His Labour Party
A full-scale revolt was defeated amid noisy protests over demands for the opposition party to campaign openly against leaving the European Union.
Boris Johnson Faces a New Scandal, and ‘People See Blood in the Water’
The prime minister has long turned controversy into opportunity, but his friendship with an American woman carries hints of financial improprieties.
Jeremy Corbyn Faces Brexit Showdown With His Labour Party
A full-scale revolt was in the works amid demands for the opposition party to campaign openly against leaving the European Union.
David Cameron Is Sorry. Really, Really Sorry.
The former British prime minister, David Cameron, a self-described “doubter and worrier and niggler,” is sorry about a lot of things, but most of all about Brexit.
Boris Johnson Is in Trouble With Brexit. Many Voters Don’t Mind.
Despite multiple setbacks, Boris Johnson could still win a general election. Analysts say that, like President Trump, he has played to his core.