Prime Minister Theresa May obtained the approval of the other 27 European Union members for Britain’s divorce from the bloc. But she still has hurdles to overcome at home.
Tag: Great Britain Withdrawal from EU (Brexit)
E.U. Leaders and U.K. Agree on Brexit Divorce Terms
The settlement reached at a summit meeting on Sunday must pass testing parliamentary votes, and leaves deep uncertainties about Britain’s future.
Theresa May Takes Her Case for Brexit to the People
The British prime minister’s attempts to win over lawmakers are sputtering, so she is turning to the voters in hopes of raising the pressure.
A Brexit Compromise Nobody Likes: What Could Be More English?
After the sputtering of a coup against Prime Minister Theresa May, Britain’s body politic seems to be moving, grudgingly, toward accepting her plan.
U.K. Agrees on Brexit Plan With Europe’s Negotiators
The completion of what critics dismissed as a vague and ambiguous political declaration opens the way for the E.U. to approve a larger draft agreement on Sunday.
As Theresa May Looks to Brussels on Brexit Deal, Europe Makes Its Own Demands
The embattled leader wants to be seen at home as battling for the best arrangement for Britain — while also trying to beat back concerns of other member states.
U.K. ‘Coup’ Against Theresa May Falters. For Now.
Hard-line, pro-Brexit Conservatives thought they could force a confidence vote against the prime minister. Then, embarrassingly, their support melted away.
Theresa May, Onetime Business Foe, Finds Corporate Embrace Amid Brexit Debate
The prime minister found a more receptive audience among business leaders than any others she has faced since unveiling her draft Brexit deal.
Theresa May: ‘The Next 7 Days Are Critical’ for Brexit Deal
The British prime minister is planning more negotiations in Brussels. At home, she could face a no-confidence vote and rebellion from cabinet ministers.
Why Is Twitter Cursing a British Conservative Politician?
Amid worries over Britain’s exit from the European Union, Britons took to the social network to unfurl curses against Jacob Rees-Mogg, a prominent supporter of Brexit and a challenger of Prime Minister Theresa May.