United Nations members voted 116 to 6 in support of a resolution demanding that Britain give Mauritius the Chagos Islands, home to an important American military base.
Tag: Great Britain
May Faces Calls to Quit Amid Fresh Brexit Revolt and a Resignation
Britain’s prime minister is confronting a ferocious backlash over her latest proposals for leaving the European Union, including the resignation of a key cabinet member.
U.K. Austerity Has Inflicted ‘Great Misery,’ U.N. Official Says
In a scathing final report on the impact of budget cuts in Britain, an expert on extreme poverty compared the overhauls to the Victorian workhouse system.
No Policies? No Problem. The Patchwork Brexit Party Is Crushing Its Opponents.
Its candidates’ politics have little in common beyond gunning for a quick, hard Brexit, but that hardly matters. For now, anyway.
Theresa May’s New Brexit Bid: A Second Referendum
The move is part of a last-ditch effort to pass a Brexit bill that would include a vote on a customs union — but only after passing the legislation.
Why Are Milkshakes Being Thrown at Right-Wing Politicians Like Nigel Farage?
The divisive leader of the Brexit Party became the latest nationalist figure in Britain to be drenched while campaigning for European elections.
One of U.K.’s Most Prolific Extremist Cells Is Regrouping
The security services have expressed alarm at the prospect of the extremist group Al Muhajiroun re-energizing with ISIS fighters returning from Iraq and Syria.
One of Britain’s Most Prolific Terror Cells Is Regrouping
The security services have expressed alarm at the prospect of the extremist group Al Muhajiroun re-energizing with ISIS fighters returning from Iraq and Syria.
Jeremy Corbyn Halts Brexit Talks With Theresa May
Negotiations had “gone as far as they can,” the opposition leader said, suggesting the prime minister was too weak to guarantee any deal.
War With Iran? Count Us Out, Europe Says
Bruised by the 2003 Iraq war, Europeans are united in opposing a new conflict with Tehran but also leery of contradicting Washington too sharply.