The decision comes as other projects to build wind farms along the Atlantic Coast have run into trouble.
Tag: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Energy Dept. Pours Billions Into Electric Grids
America’s electric grids may need to expand by two-thirds by 2035 to handle future growth in clean energy, the agency said. The nation isn’t on track.
Carbon Emissions Budget to Hit Paris Accord Goals Is Now Smaller
Limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius would be harder than ever, new calculations show, but less ambitious targets are still in reach.
Chasing Big Mergers, Oil Executives Dismiss Peak Oil Concerns
Exxon Mobil and Chevron are spending tens of billions of dollars buying oil and gas assets, betting that the International Energy Agency’s predictions of declining oil demand are wrong.
I.E.A. Sees Oil, Gas and Coal Demand Peaking By 2030
The prediction, which has stirred controversy among oil producers, is a sign of a sweeping transformation in the global energy landscape.
How the Israel-Hamas War Imperils Action Against Global Warming
Oil prices could surge. Disagreements between nations could worsen. The conflict complicates already fragile global diplomacy ahead of crucial climate talks.
Melting of West Antarctic Ice Shelves May Be Inevitable
It may be too late to halt the decline of the West Antarctic ice shelves, a study found, but climate action could still forestall the gravest sea level rise.
Flood Threats Are Rising. Here’s Where People Are Moving Into Harm’s Way.
Rapid development along coasts and rivers has increased flood exposure worldwide, particularly in South and East Asia, a study found.
Athens Democracy Forum: Local Forces Are Leading the Way in the Global Warming Crisis
With central democratic institutions falling short on climate solutions, grassroots efforts are filling some of the gaps. But would autocracies do a better job?
The Reach of Wildfire Smoke Is Going Global and Undoing Progress on Clean Air
In the United States, smoke from wildfires is undoing progress from the Clean Air Act. In poorer countries, the situation is even worse.