As coronavirus infections explode in the U.S., hospitals could be forced to make harrowing choices if pushed to the brink. Planning is already underway.
Tag: Hospitals
As Coronavirus Looms, a Hospital Begins Sterilizing Masks for Reuse
Surgical masks are supposed to be used just once. But doctors in Nebraska are attempting a novel experiment as gear shortages arise.
‘Wash Our Hands? Some People Can’t Wash Their Kids for a Week.’
In devastated northwestern Syria, the coronavirus may already be spreading in packed displacement camps, and the international response is weeks behind.
Italy’s Health Care System Groans Under Coronavirus — a Warning to the World
In less than three weeks, the virus has overloaded hospitals in northern Italy, offering a glimpse of what countries face if they cannot slow the contagion.
Flattening the Coronavirus Curve
One chart explains why slowing the spread of the infection is nearly as important as stopping it.
China’s Battle Against Coronavirus: 7 Takeaways
Dr. Bruce Aylward, leader of the team that visited China, details what every country should do to stop the coronavirus.
Inside China’s All-Out War on the Coronavirus
Dr. Bruce Aylward, of the W.H.O., got a rare glimpse into Beijing’s campaign to stop the epidemic. Here’s what he saw.
As Coronavirus Hits U.K., Health Workers Fear Getting Sick, and Going Broke
Low-paid health workers in Britain who could be at risk of contracting the coronavirus say they will show up to work even if they fall ill.
‘No Way Out’: In China, Coronavirus Takes Toll on Other Patients
The outbreak is straining a health care system that was already overburdened, and many patients with other illnesses are now falling through the cracks.
Live Coronavirus Coverage and Updates
The epidemic continues to expand rapidly worldwide, topping 90,000 cases and 3,000 deaths. U.S. officials say virus testing kits will soon become widely available.