A United Nations panel is demanding that Dubai produce “evidence of life” for Sheikha Latifa, two months after the princess said in dramatic video footage that she was being held prisoner.
Tag: Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
U.N. Panel Is Scathing in Its Criticism of a British Report on Race
The criticism adds to a backlash against findings by the Johnson government that called Britain a “model for other white-majority countries.”
U.S. Is Expected to Approve Some Arms Sales to U.A.E. and Saudis
The Biden administration is close to completing a review of Trump-era weapons sales to the two Gulf Arab states. Democrats in Congress oppose the deals.
Myanmar Protests, and Killings, Continue
The death toll has passed 700, with more than 80 killed on Friday in one city alone, a rights group said.
‘Everything Is Worth Freedom’: Uganda’s Opposition Leader Faces the Future
Bobi Wine, the pop star who became a presidential candidate, considers rebuilding his anti-government movement after a violent election season that left many aides and supporters imprisoned.
‘Tell Us if He’s Dead’: Abductions and Torture Rattle Uganda
Hundreds have been detained, many brutalized, after a bloody, contested election. The government of Yoweri Museveni appears intent on breaking the back of the opposition.
Myanmar’s Military Has Killed Over 40 Children Since the Coup. Here’s One Child’s Story.
Myanmar’s security forces have killed more than 40 children since February. Here is the story of one, Aye Myat Thu. She was 10.
5,000 Flee as Venezuela Launches Largest Military Campaign in Decades
The Venezuelan government has long tolerated armed groups trafficking drugs and contraband near its border with Colombia. Now it has lashed out at one of them, driving thousands of civilians into flight.
After Coup, Myanmar’s Military Rule Is an Exception
How the country became primed for a sort of violence, and a sort of dictatorship, that had grown rare.
Japan Is Finding It Harder to Stay Quiet on China’s Abuse of Uyghurs
Public awareness of the issue is growing in the country, spurred in part by the work of Uyghur activists, and that is increasing pressure on the government to take action.