Shortly after the last U.S. troops left Afghanistan, the secretary of state outlined a plan to use diplomacy to try to extract remaining Americans and Afghan allies.
Tag: Humanitarian Aid
In Afghanistan, War and Climate Change Collide
Unrest and climate change are creating an agonizing feedback loop that punishes some of the world’s most vulnerable people.
In Haiti, Need Is Overwhelming, but Some Politicians’ Charity Rings False
Potential candidates’ donations to quake victims have taken on political overtones and highlighted the government’s failures in providing relief.
Donors Send Quake Aid to Haiti, but for How Long?
Misuse of previous aid money, Haiti’s political convulsions, and competing humanitarian demands may signal less generosity this time.
Afghanistan Faces Economic Shock as Sanctions Replace Foreign Aid
The Taliban will be under pressure to keep a fragile economy afloat.
As Canada Awaits a New Group of Refugees, Questions Loom
Canada said that it would take in 20,000 refugees from Afghanistan. But Canadians hoping to sponsor some of them will have to wait until government plans become clear.
Dr. Gino Strada, Who Brought Health Care to the Desperate, Dies at 73
He was a force behind Emergency, which operates clinics, hospitals, trauma centers and other institutions throughout the world.
Many Survivors of Haiti Earthquake Expect No Help From Officials
“No one trusts this government here,” said a farmer in one village where at least 20 residents were killed by the quake as they attended a funeral at a church that collapsed.
As War Rages in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region, Bodies Float Into Sudan
The disfigured bodies are the latest indication of atrocities as the conflict over the Tigray region spreads to other parts of Ethiopia and across international borders.
Greece Accuses Aid Groups of Helping Smugglers of Migrants
Greek police claim some groups have worked with smugglers and provided migrants with details about Coast Guard activities. The groups deny the charges.