Legislation to drop the state of emergency prompted by the coronavirus was seen by some as effectively codifying Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s extended authority.
Tag: Hungary
Hungary Outlaws Changing Gender on Documents After Birth
A new law, the first of its kind in Europe, is a blow against transgender rights and the latest skirmish in a continuing culture war.
Hungary Moves to Close Border Camps After E.U. Court Ruling
Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government has shifted more than 300 asylum applicants out of detention in fenced “transit zones.”
Poland and Hungary Use Coronavirus to Punish Opposition
The European Union seems helpless, even complicit, as authoritarian-minded governments cite the pandemic to consolidate their power.
Autocrats’ Quandary: You Can’t Arrest a Virus
The world’s strongmen are reverting to their standard playbook to project an aura of control. It’s a risky strategy for a chaotic crisis.
Hungary’s Leader Grabbed Powers to Fight the Virus. Some Fear Other Motives.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban can now rule by decree. Doctors worry he won’t use that power to improve the country’s coronavirus response.
E.U. Court Rules 3 Countries Violated Deal on Refugee Quotas
Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic failed to live up to their end of an agreement to distribute 160,000 asylum seekers who had arrived in Greece and Italy, the court said.
E.U. Tries Gentle Diplomacy to Counter Hungary’s Crackdown on Democracy
European leaders were reluctant to pick a fight with Prime Minister Viktor Orban a day after he secured powers to rule by decree indefinitely.
For Autocrats, and Others, Coronavirus Is a Chance to Grab Even More Power
Leaders around the world have passed emergency decrees and legislation expanding their reach during the pandemic. Will they ever relinquish them?
What Should Europe Do About Viktor Orban and ‘Illiberal Democracy’?
Donald Tusk is leaving his job as European Council president, but he still faces the problem presented by his old friend, transformed by power and cynicism.