With a lucrative tax credit, the Biden administration is hoping to establish a new industry that might help fight climate change.
Tag: Hydrogen
Hydrogen Offers Germany a Chance to Take a Lead in Green Energy
A subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp, Germany’s venerable steel producer, is landing major deals for a device that makes the clean-burning gas from water.
A Lucrative Tax Credit for Making Clean Fuel Won’t Be So Easy to Get
Experts had warned that efforts to build a vast new hydrogen industry could inadvertently worsen global warming. New rules aim to avoid that.
Your Monday Briefing: China’s Saudi-Iran Deal
Also, Xi Jinping loyalists stack China’s leadership and Australia revives an Aboriginal alcohol ban.
Inside One of the World’s Biggest Green Hydrogen Projects
Hundreds of billions of dollars are being invested in a high-tech gamble to make hydrogen clean, cheap and widely available. In Australia’s Outback, that starts with 10 million new solar panels.
Lack of Hydrogen and Helium Led to Fewer Weather Surveying Balloon Trips
Disruptions to supplies of hydrogen and helium have led the National Weather Service to cancel routine launches at some sites.
Boris Johnson Lays Out U.K. Plan for a ‘Green Industrial Revolution’
Goals include ending sales of gas and diesel cars by 2030, achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and, perhaps, pleasing a new sensibility in Washington.
Wired Bacteria Form Nature’s Power Grid: ‘We Have an Electric Planet’
Electroactive bacteria were running current through “wires” long before humans learned the trick.