The decision will affect tens of thousands of cases moving through backlogged immigration courts.
Tag: Illegal Immigration
Kamala Harris, in Guatemala and Mexico, Delivers Blunt Message on Borders
The vice president concluded her first trip abroad, a high-stakes trip to Mexico and Guatemala during which she took on the politically volatile issue.
Kamala Harris, With Blunt Language on Border, Forges Immigration Image
The vice president concluded her first trip abroad, a high-stakes trip to Mexico and Guatemala during which she took on the politically volatile issue.
In Guatemala, Harris Tells Undocumented to Stay Away From U.S. Border
In her first foreign trip as vice president, Kamala Harris promoted economic development and anti-corruption efforts, trying to stem the northward flow of migrants.
U.S. Aid to Central America Hasn’t Slowed Migration. Can Kamala Harris?
A stark reality faces the vice president as she visits the region: Expanded aid programs have failed to stem migration.
A Wave of the Hand Sets Off Spain-Morocco Migrant Fight
Spanish officials say Morocco increasingly sees migrants as currency for financial and political gains after it let up to 12,000 flood into a Spanish enclave in North Africa over two days.
‘Come On In, Boys’: A Wave of the Hand Sets Off Spain-Morocco Migrant Fight
Spanish officials say Morocco increasingly sees migrants as currency for financial and political gains after it let up to 12,000 flood into a Spanish enclave in North Africa over two days.
Spain Sends Troops to Ceuta After Migrant Crossings Jump
More than 8,000 people have crossed from Morocco to the Spanish enclave of Ceuta since Monday, creating a humanitarian emergency and deepening tensions between the two countries.
Japan Is Shaken After a Detainee, Wasting Away, Dies Alone in Her Cell
Critics of the country’s immigration system say the death reveals an opaque and capricious bureaucracy with nearly unchecked power over foreigners caught inside it.
On the Scrappy Fringes of French Politics, Marine Le Pen Tries to Rebrand
Marine Le Pen, the far-right leader and main challenger to President Emmanuel Macron in next year’s election, wants to persuade voters that she and her party can govern France.