An ICE official described 21 Savage as an “unlawfully present United Kingdom national” who was supposed to leave the U.S. in 2006. The rapper has long said he was from Atlanta.
Tag: Illegal Immigration
Italy’s Crackdown on Migrants Meets a Grassroots Resistance
A mayor refuses to enforce a government decree targeting asylum seekers, saying it will only push them into the shadows and criminality.
Trump Administration’s Asylum-Seeker Policy Takes Effect
Though it has protested the Trump administration’s decision to force some asylum seekers back across the border, Mexico has agreed to allow certain migrants to stay and work as their cases unfold.
Mexico Protests U.S. Decision to Return Asylum Seekers
The Mexican government said that it disagreed with “this unilateral measure” but that it would take in people who are applying for asylum in the United States.
Fact Check: Trump’s Tweet on Border Walls in Europe
President Trump said that border walls were going up around the world and that European walls built since 2015 were considered “close to 100% successful.”
France Dispatch: As Migrants Risk Crossing the English Channel, French Fishing Boats Pay a Price
A surge in migrants trying to cross the channel has led to a rise in break-ins of the fishing boats in a French port, as smugglers look for more seaworthy options to make the treacherous voyage.
Push On, Stay or Leave? Dilemma for Migrants at the U.S. Border
As the battle over U.S. immigration policy and President Trump’s demands for a border wall rages in Congress, migrants are growing more desperate by the day. We went to Tijuana, Mexico to witness the dilemmas families hoping to cross the border are fac…
Drum Rolls for Trump’s Speech? More Like Eye Rolls in Mexico
The president’s latest call for a border wall stirred weariness among leaders and citizens alike. At least, those who could be troubled to listen to it.
Migrants’ Despair Is Growing at U.S. Border. So Are Smugglers’ Profits.
Only a handful of asylum seekers are let across the border each day. Many are now weighing the risks of hiring “polleros” to sneak them in.
Migrants in Tijuana Know Trump Doesn’t Want Them. They Aren’t Giving Up.
After traveling for weeks, often on foot, Central Americans are settling in and waiting for the right moment to reach their ultimate goal: the United States.