With Germans facing an era of political and economic turbulence, the Alternative for Germany is resurgent. Mainstream politicians are struggling to respond.
Tag: Immigration and Emigration
Finland Shifts Right With Coalition Including an Anti-Immigration Party
When the party of the country’s political rock star, former Prime Minister Sanna Marin, lost in April, a center-right party’s power rose.
Thousands of Brides in India Are Abandoned by Husbands Overseas
Thousands of Indian women have been abandoned by men working overseas, leaving them trapped in their in-laws’ homes and often defrauded of dowry money.
The Immigrant Experience in a Danish Butter Cookie Tin
Ubiquitous in immigrant households, the cookie tin might be a more apt metaphor for our journeys than the melting pot.
Oxford Business College and Others Make Millions Off Immigrant Students
Oxford Business College and others like it make millions, largely by recruiting immigrants. They operate in an opaque corner of the British education system.
A Pacifist Sect From Russia Is Shaken by War, and Modernity
The Ukraine conflict is causing soul-searching among the Doukhobors, a peace-loving group that emigrated to Canada in 1899.
Meet the New Mayor: How a Refugee Won Over a Conservative German Town
The election of Ryyan Alshebl, a young man who fled Syria, offers surprising lessons for a Germany wrestling with its multicultural identity after an influx of refugees in 2015.
Here’s Why So Many People Are Moving to the U.K.
Despite post-Brexit restrictions and government vows to control it, immigration to Britain reached an all-time high in 2022, driven by war, politics and economics.
UK Net Migration Record Poses Sharp Dilemma for Sunak
Net migration to Britain has exceeded 600,000 a year, stirring tensions in a government that promised to stem arrivals.
As Migration to U.K. Soars, Britain Targets Visas for Students’ Kin
The government, which has been mostly focused on asylum seekers crossing the English Channel, is now turning to limiting some pathways for legal migrants.