The president, not even a formal candidate yet, seems to benefit from standing above the anti-immigrant fray.
Tag: Immigration and Emigration
In France, a Racist Conspiracy Theory Edges Into the Mainstream
Valérie Pécresse, the center-right presidential candidate, used the phrase ‘great replacement’ in a speech punctuated with coded attacks on immigrants and Muslims.
Afghan Diplomats Seek Permission to Remain in U.S.
American banks have suspended government accounts to prevent the Taliban from gaining access to funds, suspending the salaries of many workers.
The Quiet Flight of Muslims From France
All the talk of France’s presidential election campaign is about immigration. But it is the expanding emigration of French Muslims that points to a deeper crisis for the country.
Afghan Refugees Face Two-Tier System in Europe
Educated elites evacuated to Europe after the Taliban’s return are welcomed, but they struggle with their lives in exile, even as their poorer compatriots are shunned.
Apathy and Anger in France’s Election Everytown
Auxerre has backed the winner in every French presidential race for 40 years. This time, the town’s politics are drifting right, and many struggling residents see little to vote for.
How the Trojan Horse Affair Affected British Pakistanis
A scandal in 2014, known as the Trojan Horse affair, exposed what it’s like living in Britain as a British Pakistani.
Turkey Blames Greece After 12 Migrants Freeze to Death
A Turkish minister accused Greek border guards of taking the group’s clothes and shoes and then forcing them back across the border, a claim that Greece denied.
For Some of Ukraine’s Neighbors, ‘Defend Europe’ Has Another Meaning
For the populist leaders of Poland and Hungary, Russia’s saber-rattling on the border with Ukraine takes a back seat to domestic politics and issues like immigration.
Democrats Renew Push for Industrial Policy Bill Aimed at China
A major competitiveness bill passed the Senate last year with bipartisan support, only to stall. Democrats hope to revive it in the House, but first they will have to bridge big differences.