The arrest of government agents for the brutal killing of 19 people, including several migrants, is a rare instance of local police being charged with such a crime.
Tag: Immigration and Emigration
Biden’s Promise of Immigration Reform Raises Hopes in Latin America
The president’s challenge will be to reverse many of his predecessor’s immigration restrictions while tempering the soaring expectations of migrants.
E.U. Border Agency Pulls Out of Hungary Over Rights Abuses
The decision by Frontex comes after Hungary disregarded a ruling by the E.U.’s top court that the way the country handles asylum seekers violated the bloc’s law.
Barred From U.S. Under Trump, Muslims Exult in Biden’s Open Door
Few foreigners welcomed President Biden’s election victory as enthusiastically as the tens of thousands of Muslims who have been locked out of the United States for the past four years.
Locked Up in a Hotel for a Year, Then a Sudden Taste of Freedom
Asylum seekers detained in Australian hotels, deprived of sunlight and sometimes fresh air, had no idea how long their ordeal would last. For some, it’s now over.
True-Crime Podcast Puts Spotlight on Irish Coach Accused of Abuse
The Irish police are investigating accusations that George Gibney, a former swim coach for Ireland now living in the United States, sexually abused two swimmers who came forward after hearing the podcast about him.
Migrant Caravan, Now in Guatemala, Tests Regional Resolve to Control Migration
As many as 7,000 migrants from Central America are hoping to reach the United States to escape poverty intensified by hurricanes and the pandemic. President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. has pledged to ease asylum rules.
Fire at Rohingya Camp in Bangladesh Leaves Hundreds Homeless
The blaze comes as officials in Bangladesh look for longer-term solutions for the refugees from Myanmar, who fled anti-Muslim violence.
Many Migrants Still Stranded in Bosnia as Freezing Cold Sets In
Local authorities have refused to reopen an E.U.-funded housing facility for the migrants, bringing criticism that Bosnia has failed to provide basic humanitarian assistance required by international law.
Italy Mourns an Immigrant’s Life Cut Short
The killing of Agitu Ideo Gudeta, a successful business owner from Ethiopia who raised goats and made cheese, has resonated across the country. The police say a farmhand was responsible.