At least 25 people may be trapped under the structure in the Himalayan state of Himachal Pradesh, officials said, as this year’s monsoon season continues to extract a deadly toll.
Tag: India
‘Too Patriarchal’ Father in India Now Champions Women’s Rights
A delivery room epiphany transformed a village headman into an unlikely and highly successful campaigner against prenatal sex testing, which often led to aborting female fetuses.
Supreme Court in India Gives Rahul Gandhi a Path Back to Parliament
India’s main opposition leader was kicked out of the legislature after a defamation case that his allies called politically motivated. He can also now run in next year’s elections.
Under Hindu Nationalist Leaders, Sectarian Violence Flares in India
A gunman who killed Muslim train passengers and a Hindu march that turned riotous underscore how the partisan stances of India’s top Hindu leaders have given license to chaotic elements in the country.
Kerala Lottery: India Sanitation Workers Win $1.2 Million Lottery
The winners, who are sanitation co-workers in India, each make just a few dollars a day. The jackpot will help them pay off crippling debts.
Mysterious Object Found on Australian Beach Is Identified as Space Debris
A cylindrical object that was found in remote Western Australia probably came from an Indian rocket, Australia’s space agency said.
Israeli Court Ruling May Determine Democracy’s Fate
From Hungary to India to Brazil, how judges responded to attacks on their independence helped decide whether would-be autocrats prevailed in constraining the courts.
Could the Conflict in Manipur Become an Issue Modi Cannot Ignore?
India’s opposition is trying to force the prime minister to address the violence in Manipur, which has killed more than 150 people and displaced 60,000 others.
Monsoon’s Fury Sours Romance of Wet Season Travel in India
Long considered a life-giving panacea, India’s rainy season has become more violent and unpredictable. It is upsetting many rhythms of life, among them, leisure travel.
India Reels From Shortage of Tomatoes, a Culinary Staple
“We have stopped eating tomatoes in salad,” one shopper said, “and we are not making any tomato-based vegetable dishes.”