The death was the second from the virus outside mainland China. The patient was a 39-year-old man who had visited Wuhan and returned to Hong Kong on Jan. 23.
Tag: Infections
W.H.O. Warns That Pipeline for New Antibiotics Is Running Dry
In two new reports, the global health agency says only government intervention can fix the broken market for new antimicrobial drugs.
Scientists Were Hunting for the Next Ebola. Now the U.S. Has Cut Off Their Funding.
Predict, a government research program, sought to identify animal viruses that might infect humans and to head off new pandemics.
China’s Pork Prices Soar, Adding to Beijing’s Troubles
Chinese grocery bills were already rising because of the trade war. Officials are now calling for “an attitude of urgency.”
A Better Way to Manage Your Period? Try the Menstrual Cup, Scientists Say
The reusable, bell-like devices unfold in the vagina to stanch menstrual flow. They are as effective as sanitary pads and tampons, according to a new analysis — and less expensive.
Rare Bacterial Infection Leaves at Least 12 Dead in U.K.
Most of those affected by the outbreak of invasive Group A streptococcal disease in Essex had been receiving care for chronic wounds, the authorities said.
U.N. Issues Urgent Warning on the Growing Peril of Drug-Resistant Infections
A new report says the overuse of antimicrobial drugs in humans, animals and plants is fueling resistant pathogens that could kill 10 million people annually by 2050.
Times Insider: Candida Auris: The Fungus Nobody Wants to Talk About
The medical community is usually eager to discuss public health issues. But the rise in drug-resistant microbes is cloaked in chronic secrecy.
deadly germs, Lost cures: In a Poor Kenyan Community, Cheap Antibiotics Fuel Deadly Drug-Resistant Infections
Overuse of the medicines is not just a problem in rich countries. Throughout the developing world antibiotics are dispensed with no prescription required.
Trilobites: How Mosquitoes Sniff Out Your Sweat
Scientists have isolated a receptor that helps the bloodthirsty insects find you.