The Trump administration has taken a hands-off approach to conflicts — from Kashmir to Hong Kong to the rivalry between Japan and South Korea — as Asian officials escalate the battles.
Tag: International Relations
Iran Says Tanker Seized at Gibraltar Will Be Released Soon
British and Gibraltar officials declined to comment on the Iranian prediction that the Iranian tanker, held since July 4, would be let go.
Pakistan Runs Out of Options as India Tightens Grip on Kashmir
Threatened with sanctions over its ties to militants, and with the cost of war perilously high, Pakistan has little recourse diplomatically or militarily.
Australia’s ‘Unbreakable,’ and Worrisome, Alliance
Mike Pompeo, the United States secretary of state, came to Sydney a few days ago. Here’s what it means.
Modi Defends Revoking Kashmir’s Statehood as Protests Flare
Demonstrations against the move to revoke the disputed region’s special status had broken out ahead of the speech by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Pakistan Hits Back at India Over Kashmir Move, Targeting Bilateral Trade
Prime Minister Imran Khan denounced his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, for promoting “an ideology that puts Hindus above all other religions.”
The Exhibit Lauded Freedom of Expression. It Was Silenced.
A political battle between Japan and South Korea has spilled into the art world, with the abrupt closing of an exhibit with a statue symbolizing women forced into sexual slavery.
China, an Eye on Elections, Suspends Some Travel Permits to Taiwan
The move appeared intended to influence politics on the self-governing island, and possibly to prevent exposure to Taiwan’s democratic elections or sentiment that favors Hong Kong’s protesters.
Iran Releases 9 Indian Sailors From Seized Tanker
At a time of conflict with the United States and its allies, Iran freed most of the crew to keep friendly relations with India.
Ukraine Seizes Russian Tanker That It Says Blockaded a Disputed Strait
The move is likely to further raise tensions between Moscow and Kiev. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said it was investigating.