The president, in a series of tweets, said the U.S. would not restrict sales to the country, a sharp shift in administration policy.
Tag: International Trade and World Market
Apple Signals Coronavirus’s Threat to Global Businesses
Supply is a problem, the company warned, as factories slowly reopen in China, and demand is down, too, with stores there still mostly closed.
Shuttered Stores, Fewer Tourists: Luxury Feels Coronavirus Effects
Luxury retail is dependent on Chinese buyers at home and abroad, and it is now facing a crisis.
Saudi-Russian Alliance Is Strained as Coronavirus Saps Demand for Oil
OPEC is still trying to forge an agreement on new output cuts to sop up an oil glut.
As Coronavirus Spreads, Face Mask Makers Go Into Overdrive
A factory in western France has become an unlikely outpost to help overcome a severe shortage as supplies dry up in China.
Coronavirus May Delay Hard-Fought U.S. Trade Wins in China
The spread of the virus is likely to slow China’s progress in meeting the commitments it agreed to last month as part of the initial trade deal with the United States.
SARS Stung the Global Economy. The Coronavirus Is a Greater Menace.
In the nearly 20 years since SARS, China’s importance in the global economy has grown exponentially.
Trump Administration Restricts Entry Into U.S. From China
The travel disruption sent shocks through the stock market and rattled industries that depend on the flow of goods and people between the world’s two largest economies.
Pompeo Calls China’s Ruling Party ‘Central Threat of Our Times’
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made the stark statement at a meeting with his British counterpart, where he also talked up the prospect of a U.S. trade deal with Britain.
What is the USMCA? Here’s What’s in the New NAFTA
A trade agreement with Mexico and Canada revises Mexico’s labor laws and encourages more auto production in North America.