With the selection of Mustafa al-Kadhimi, Iraq has its first real government in more than five months. He will confront an array of daunting problems.
Tag: Iraq
German Trial Accuses Iraqi of Genocide in Killing of Yazidi Girl
The Frankfurt trial of the 27-year-old man accused of being an ISIS member is believed to be the first that carries the charge of genocide in relation to the Yazidis.
Iraq Resists Iranian Pressure to Reopen Border Closed to Slow Covid-19
With the coronavirus raging in Iran, a push to distance their country from their neighbor has gained broader appeal in Iraq.
Coronavirus World News: Live Updates
In southern Italy, the pandemic is choking an already fragile economy. Protests erupt in Lebanon.
Coronavirus World News Tracker: Live Coverage
A new report warns that the number of people facing acute hunger could double. In southern Italy, the pandemic is choking an already fragile economy.
Coronavirus Global Tracker: Trump Plans Immigration Ban
Hong Kong announced an extension in its restrictions a day after reporting no new cases. And President Trump said he planned to close the United States to people trying to immigrate.
Baghdad, a City Gone Still
The picnicking families are gone by the Tigris. So are the peddlers. But a twilight walk along the river still offers a sad solace.
Trump Stops U.S. Funding of W.H.O.; U.K. Coronavirus Deaths May Be Higher Than Official Toll
Confirmed infections neared 2 million, with more than 120,000 dead, and the I.M.F. predicted the worst global downturn since the Great Depression. New York City passed 10,000 fatalities.
Coronavirus World Live Tracker: India Extends Nationwide Lockdown
The authorities in Turkey will release thousands of prisoners amid fears of a widening outbreak. In China, two new vaccines have been approved for testing on humans and red tape is preventing the export of face masks. Some European nations are beginnin…
Trump Warns Iran of Heightened Retaliation for Any Attacks on U.S. Troops
Democratic leaders cautioned the president privately that he must consult lawmakers before taking military action.