In one city ruined by war, even the stones seem to have voices. They tell the stories of people who can no longer speak for themselves.
Tag: Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
ISIS Attacks Surge in Iraq Amid Debate on U.S. Troop Levels
The growing pressure on the United States to reduce its military presence in Iraq comes as strikes by the Islamic State are on the rise.
As Coronavirus Toll Preoccupies U.S., Rivals Test Limits of American Power
The coronavirus may have changed almost everything, but it didn’t change this: Global competition spins ahead — and in many ways has accelerated.
Western Countries Leave Children of ISIS in Syrian Camps
The children are living in squalid detention camps lacking schools, health care and clean water, and where disease and jihadist ideology are rampant.
ISIS Prisoners Threaten U.S. Mission in Northeastern Syria
Overcrowded, makeshift prisons and camps and fears of Covid-19 have led to two riots by hardened fighters.
German Trial Accuses Iraqi of Genocide in Killing of Yazidi Girl
The Frankfurt trial of the 27-year-old man accused of being an ISIS member is believed to be the first that carries the charge of genocide in relation to the Yazidis.
The Coronavirus Inflicts Its Own Kind of Terror
The virus generates much the same fear and anxiety caused by terrorism, but it is brought by nature, not by humans. And it demands a different response: staying alone.
Pentagon Order to Plan for Escalation in Iraq Meets Warning From Top Commander
A secret Pentagon directive orders planning to try to destroy a militia group backed by Iran, but America’s top general in Iraq cautions of the risks.
Al Qaeda Branch in Somalia Threatens Americans in East Africa — and Even the U.S.
Several ominous signs indicate that the Qaeda affiliate, the Shabab, is seeking to expand its lethal mayhem well beyond its home base, and attack Americans wherever it can.
Canadian and Italian Hostages Are Freed in Mali After 15 Months
Edith Blais and Luca Tacchetto went missing in December 2018, in an area known to be an Islamic State stronghold.