President Trump found himself veering off message in discussing the two big news stories of the day: the signing of an agreement with the Taliban and the spread of the coronavirus.
Tag: Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
Terrorism Threat in West Africa Soars as U.S. Weighs Troop Cuts
The Pentagon and the State Department are sending mixed messages about reducing America’s presence in a region bloodied by terrorist violence.
Russians Pressure U.S. Forces in Northeast Syria
Russian troops are engaging in standoffs with U.S. troops guarding oil fields and fighting remnants of the Islamic State.
Was U.S. Wrong About Attack That Nearly Started a War With Iran?
Iraqi military and intelligence officials have raised doubts about who fired the rockets that started a dangerous spiral of events.
White House Confirms Killing of Terrorist Leader in Yemen
The statement came about a week after initial reports that the United States believed it had killed Qassim al-Rimi, the Qaeda leader in Yemen.
Russia Exerts Growing Influence in Africa, Worrying Many in the West
The Kremlin is increasing arms sales, security pacts and training programs as the American defense secretary weighs withdrawing troops from the continent.
France Judges Dead Jihadists but Refuses to Repatriate the Living
With public opinion firmly against allowing the return of those who left to fight in Syria and Iraq, the French justice system finds itself facing the strange concept of the “ghost trial.”
ISIS Wife’s Return to Norway Divides Government
A woman and her children were retrieved from a detention camp in Syria, spurring debate at home after she was charged with being part of a terrorist organization.
As U.S.-Iran Tensions Flare, Iraq Is Caught in the Middle
After U.S. airstrikes killed an Iranian leader, Iraq’s Parliament voted to expel American forces. Some Iraqi officials say that would be disastrous for Iraq.
Bomb Blast Claimed by ISIS Kills at Least 15 in Pakistan Mosque Used by Taliban
The bomb, which tore through Friday evening prayers at a mosque in Quetta, Pakistan, also injured at least 18 more, with many in critical condition.