Facebook groups offer ancient treasures from Syria, Iraq and other conflict zones, some of which may have been pillaged by Islamic State militants.
Tag: Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
Thousands of ISIS Children Suffer in Camps as Countries Grapple With Their Fate
Tens of thousands of foreign women and children are marooned in Iraq and Syria. Most countries don’t want them back.
At War: ‘My Life is Connected to the Most Miserable Things That Can Happen to Others’
Despite doing this for 20 years, covering bombings like the one in Sri Lanka never gets easier, writes our South Asia bureau chief.
‘We Knew What Was Coming’: Sri Lanka Sees ISIS’ Hand in Attacks
After years of warnings, the travel patterns of several suspects and the design of their bombs suggest a larger Islamic State role in the Easter attacks.
Taliban and U.S. Start New Round of Talks in Qatar
As fighting intensifies across Afghanistan, American and insurgent envoys — though none from the Afghan government — will discuss a possible troop withdrawal.
Sri Lanka’s President Lifts Ban on Social Media
The social media ban in the wake of the Easter attacks reflected global concern about the role the networks play in spreading hate speech and inciting communal violence.
ISIS’ Mysterious Leader Is Not Dead, New Video Shows
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appeared on video for the first time in five years, reasserting authority in the wake of lost territory and a major attack in Sri Lanka.
Where ISIS Ruled in Syria, Fear and Uncertainty Reign
The Islamic State lost control of eastern Syria, but a visit there found cities in shambles, an uncertain future and ISIS still carrying out deadly attacks.
Sri Lanka Authorities Were Warned, in Detail, 12 Days Before Attack
The intelligence chief warned on April 9 that a radical Islamist group planned a suicide attack “shortly.” On Monday, the president banned face coverings like those worn by some Muslim women.
At a Bombed Sri Lankan Shrine, Talk of Miracles Past and Present
People of all faiths come to St. Anthony’s seeking relief. On Sunday, it was closed, but worshipers at a vigil outside saw in their survival proof of the saint’s powers.