Mario Draghi presented his cabinet to Italy’s president on Friday, all but assuring that he will become prime minister at a precarious moment for the country and the European Union.
Tag: Italy
Renzi’s Power Play Is a ‘Masterpiece.’ He’ll Be the First to Tell You.
With a series of maneuvers that could have made Machiavelli blush, the former prime minister gave Italy a new government. Just don’t expect anyone to thank him for it.
Turned Back by Italy, Migrants Face Perilous Winter in Balkans
Advocacy groups and legislators say a practice of informal deportations violates Italian, European Union and international laws. At least one court in Rome agreed.
Mario Draghi Saved the Euro. Can He Now Save Italy?
Mario Draghi has broad support as he tries to form a new government and restore Italy’s credibility and clout in Brussels. But Italian politics is a dangerous place for an enigmatic technocrat.
Mario Draghi Is Asked to Form Government in Italy
The sudden ascent of the man credited with helping save the euro was a pipe dream for Italians frustrated with a coalition paralyzed by ideological schisms and incompetence.
Italy Looks to Mario Draghi to Solve Crisis, to Delight of Pro-E.U. Politicians
After a last-ditch attempt to revive Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s majority failed, Italy’s president summoned Mr. Draghi, the ex-head of the European Central Bank, to discuss leading Italy through the coronavirus emergency.
After Government Falls, Italy Must Navigate Pandemic on ‘Cruise Control’
The country is no stranger to political chaos. But it now faces the unsettling prospect of going rudderless during the coronavirus crisis.
Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, Resigns After Weeks of Infighting
Intrigue chipped away at Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s parliamentary majority even as the country’s coronavirus death toll passed 85,000.
Giuseppe Conte to Resign as Italian Prime Minister
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s government is likely to collapse, leaving Italy in an uncertain political situation with Covid-19 infections still very high.
As Political Crisis Meets Pandemic, Italians Wonder, Why?
The government survived a near-collapse, but it remained unclear just what Matteo Renzi, the ambitious former prime minister, hoped to gain by provoking it.