The wobbly coalition between unpopular populists and the center-left establishment risked implosion amid power struggles and ideological disputes over E.U. funds.
Tag: Italy
Italy Starts Largest Mob Trial in Decades
Prosecutors in the southern region of Calabria opened a trial of 325 defendants linked to the ‘Ndrangheta crime syndicate accused of murder, corruption, drug trafficking and other crimes.
Vaccine Skepticism Helped Put Them in Power. Can They Inoculate Italy?
The Five Star Movement’s long history of sowing doubt about vaccines may have made Italy’s mass inoculation program that much harder. The irony is not lost on Italians.
The Pandemic Helped Reverse Italy’s Brain Drain. But Can It Last?
Many young Italians who left for opportunities abroad are now working remotely from Italy. The government has welcomed them, but experts say the economic benefits will be fleeting.
‘I Will Get Up’: A Hard New Year Greets a World in Waiting
Around the globe, people who held on in hopes that 2021 would banish a year of horror are struggling with the reality that the hardest challenges may lie ahead.
Covid Vaccine Rollouts in Europe Are Off to a Shaky Start
Programs in many countries have been hampered by slow-moving bureaucracies, a lack of nurses and shortages of vital equipment.
Without Tourism, Life in a Tuscan Village Slides Back in Time
The sharp drop in visitors since the start of the pandemic pressed this small community in the hills of Chianti to cling to the essentials: the pharmacy, the food store and agriculture.
Italy Mourns an Immigrant’s Life Cut Short
The killing of Agitu Ideo Gudeta, a successful business owner from Ethiopia who raised goats and made cheese, has resonated across the country. The police say a farmhand was responsible.
Italy Turns to Flower Power to Help Spread Vaccine Message
The architect Stefano Boeri has designed primrose-themed pavilions where coronavirus shots will be given, but not everybody is thrilled with the idea.
Images of Light: Christmas Services Penetrate Darkness Around the World
Despite the pandemic, Christmas traditions endure, shedding some brightness in a gloomy season.