One of Italy’s famed family-owned circuses has been sitting out the coronavirus pandemic in a field outside Rome.
Tag: Italy
Italy Reopens Hair Salons as Coronavirus Crisis Eases
The coronavirus pandemic has shown just how important personal grooming is to many around the world.
Coronavirus Lockdown May Spur Surge in Mental Illness, U.N. Warns
Childhood disease may also soar as the pandemic claims millions of indirect victims by blocking access to medical care.
Italian Hostage’s Release Erupts Into Clashes Over Islam and Ransom
The conversion to Islam by Silvia Romano, an Italian aid worker kidnapped by a group said to be linked to the Shabab, was met with insults and threats.
Child Deaths and Mental Illness Will Surge Amid Coronavirus, U.N. Warns: Live Coverage
The pandemic will claim millions of indirect victims, the U.N. says, by blocking vaccinations and other medical care. Studies show how far away “herd immunity” is, even in hard-hit countries.
New Inflammatory Condition in Children Probably Linked to Coronavirus, Study Finds
Researchers compared 10 cases in Italy with previous cases of a similar childhood illness, Kawasaki disease. The rate of the new cases was much higher, and the conditions were more serious.
In Italy, Some Fear the Virus Is a Get-Out-of-Jail Card for Mafiosi
Hundreds of maximum-security inmates, including three mob bosses, were granted house arrest because of health concerns. The backlash forced the government to scramble.
In Italy, Some Fear the Virus Is a Get-Out-of-Jail Card for Mafiosi
Hundreds of maximum-security inmates, including three mob bosses, were granted house arrest because of health concerns. The backlash forced the government to scramble.
The First Signs of Travel’s Return?
As Australia announces plans to revive tourism, we look at 10 top travel destinations and their timetables for reopening. The challenge: balancing safety with the need to reboot.
Parents Nervously Return to Work in Italy. Children Are Still at Home.
Millions of Italians went back to the office this week. But with schools and day care closed and grandparents at risk, many feel the coronavirus has upended their futures as working parents.