Tetsuko Kuroyanagi has been one of Japan’s best-known entertainers for seven decades. At 90, she’s still going strong.
Tag: Japan
Will My Next Trip Be by Train Instead of Plane?
In Europe, Asia and the U.S., new and expanded train service is making rail a viable alternative to flying.
2 Planes Collide at Japan Airport Amid Heavy Snow, Weeks After Tokyo Episode
Nobody was injured in the episode on Tuesday, which took place on the country’s northern island of Hokkaido amid heavy snow.
Monday Briefing: Bangladesh’s Troubled Election
Plus why the first galaxies were banana-shaped.
U.S. Steel Acquisition Proposal Tests Biden’s Industrial Policy
The president is under pressure from Democrats and Republicans to block the sale to Japan’s Nippon Steel, which could upset a key foreign ally.
Japan Earthquake Survivor in Her 90s Rescued After Five Days
The survivor, who was in her 90s, was dug out from under a collapsed house, injured but responsive.
Order and Calm Eased Evacuation from Burning Japan Airlines Jet
In addition to a well-trained crew and an advanced plane, the safe evacuation of 367 passengers came down to a relative absence of panic.
Wednesday Briefing: Beirut Blast Kills Senior Hamas Leader
Plus the great winter festivals of Asia.
Japan Earthquake Death Toll Rises to at Least 48
The authorities continued to look for people buried in the rubble of collapsed and burned buildings in the coastal epicenter of the disaster.
Tuesday Briefing: Israel’s Top Court Rejects Move to Limit It
Plus New Year’s offerings to the sea in Brazil.