“Black Box Diaries,” a documentary about Shiori Ito’s fight against Japan’s patriarchal justice system, opens on Friday in the United States.
Tag: Japan
Can the Government Get People to Have More Babies?
Japan has been trying to boost its fertility rate for 30 years. Now the rest of the rich world is, too.
Nobel Peace Prize Is Awarded to Nihon Hidankyo For Its Efforts to Rid of Nuclear Weapons
Toshiyuki Mimaki, the chairman of Nihon Hidankyo, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, said his foremost wish was to “please abolish nuclear weapons while we are alive.”
For Atomic Bomb Survivors, Nobel Peace Prize Is a Bittersweet Victory
Many survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks have dedicated their lives to campaigning for nuclear disarmament. Their mission has grown more urgent as the number of living witnesses to the bombings has dwindled.
Who Are Nihon Hidankyo and the Hibakusha of Japan?
Those who lived through the nuclear attacks of 1945 have dedicated their lives to recounting their experiences of loss and the physical and emotional toll.
As I Am: L.G.B.T.Q. in Japan
‘We don’t want to send the message to the younger generation that we’re people who have to hide ourselves.’
Japan Says It Doctored Photo of Cabinet Ministers
The episode provided political fodder for Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba’s critics and highlighted the country’s generally high standard of dress.
Masamitsu Yoshioka, Last Pearl Harbor Bombardier, Dies at 106
He was 23 years old when he took part in the attack that triggered America’s declaration of war against Japan. He rarely spoke publicly about it.
Shigeru Ishiba to Be Next Prime Minister of Japan
Shigeru Ishiba, a former defense minister known for his plainspoken opinions, will replace Fumio Kishida next week.
After 44 Years on Death Row, Japanese Man Is Exonerated at Age 88
Iwao Hakamada is believed to be the world’s longest-serving inmate given a death sentence.