Waste from adult diapers is growing by tens of thousands of tons a year in Japan. One town may have a solution: recycle it into fuel pellets.
Tag: Japan
A New Source of Fuel in an Aging Japan: Adult Incontinence
Waste from adult diapers is growing by tens of thousands of tons a year in Japan. One town may have a solution: recycle it into fuel pellets.
Japan’s Economy Shrinks, but Outlook Is Brighter as Virus Ebbs
The coronavirus and supply chain issues stymied growth in the third quarter, but high vaccination rates and low numbers of virus cases point to a recovery.
Japan Will Cut Quarantine for Business Travelers to 3 Days
The easing of rules comes as cases decline significantly. The country has virtually closed its borders since the start of the pandemic.
How Car Shortages Are Putting the Economy at Risk
Because so many jobs depend on automaking, the industry’s production problems are causing the pain to ripple.
Japan Election: Kishida Struggles to Connect With Voters
The governing Liberal Democrats won on Sunday, despite having chosen a prime minister, Fumio Kishida, who’s known for his lack of charisma.
In Japan Elections, Rural Voters Count More Than Those in Big Cities
The disproportionate weight of rural voters in Japan gives sparsely populated parts of the country more representation — and more government largess — than urban areas, perpetuating what critics call an unfair system.
Japan’s Covid Cases Drop Drastically After Summer Peak
Just a few months ago, the country was recording tens of thousands of cases daily. Now the numbers are in the hundreds each day.
Japan Stays Tough on Marijuana as Other Nations Loosen Up
Some Japanese who have gone abroad and been exposed to the benefits of cannabis derivatives, particularly CBD, are hoping Japan will change course. But the government shows little inclination.
Japan’s Communists Are Hardly Radical, but Make a Handy Election Target
They have minimal support in polls. But by teaming up with other opposition parties for the first time, they have been made a boogeyman by the unpopular party in power.