Ten years after a devastating earthquake and tsunami led to a nuclear meltdown in northern Japan, residents are readjusting to places that feel familiar and hostile at once.
Tag: Japan
10 Years After Fukushima Disaster, This Nurse May Be the Region’s Best Hope
Many of Rina Tsugawa’s peers have left for jobs in cities, an outflow common to rural Japan but accelerated by the tsunami and nuclear meltdowns in Fukushima. Ms. Tsugawa has different plans.
An ‘Old Men’s Club’ Dominates Japan. The Young Just Put Them on Notice.
Change may come slowly in Japanese society, but social media has offered an outlet for a younger generation stifled by a rigid hierarchy.
Harvard Professor’s ‘Comfort Women’ Claims Stir Wake-up Call
The professor was widely criticized for writing that the women served Japanese troops willingly during World War II. A Korean survivor called the uproar a “blessing in disguise.”
This Website Puts Boisterous Children and Noisy Neighbors on the Map
The crowdsourced guide collects anonymous gripes and pins every grievance on an interactive map, creating a record of the irritating sounds and sights of Japan.
Anime Is Booming. So Why Are Animators Living in Poverty?
The workers who make the Japanese shows the world is binge-watching can earn as little as $200 a month. Many wonder how much longer they can endure it.
Deaths Fell in Japan Last Year. How?
The decline indicated that methods for fighting the coronavirus have also been effective at curbing other illnesses.
Your Wednesday Briefing
Syria’s economy in distress.
Why Suicide Rose Among Japanese Women During the Pandemic
Job losses, urban isolation, household burdens: Covid-19 has compounded the pressures on women, raising alarms in a country that has worked to reduce some of the world’s highest suicide rates.
In Dense, Urban Japan, Flowers Bring Beauty and Solace
In densely packed Tokyo, flora is abundant in unassuming places. Hunting for it, as I learned, can lighten life’s loads.