The chain, so omnipresent it is considered part of the national infrastructure, has begun making exceptions to a store hours policy that it has long enforced.
Tag: Japan
Live Stock Market News During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The latest on stock market and business news during the coronavirus outbreak.
Stuck at Home, Men in Japan Learn to Help. Will It Last?
The coronavirus pandemic is exposing like never before the severe disparities in how Japanese couples divide household work.
Mieko Kawakami Cracks the Code of Being a Woman in Japan
Mieko Kawakami, whose novel “Breasts and Eggs” was just published in English, has become something of a feminist icon in her male-dominated country.
‘Murder Hornets’ Both a Lethal Threat and a Tasty Treat in Japan
Long before the insects found their way to American shores, some Japanese prized them for their numbing crunch and the venomous buzz they add to liquor.
Avigan May Cause Birth Defects. Japan’s Pushing It for Coronavirus.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is urging the world to fight the epidemic using a Japanese-made medication, though there is little evidence that it works.
Japan Needs to Telework. Its Paper-Pushing Offices Make That Hard.
The government says working remotely is crucial to halting the coronavirus, but a workplace culture of official seals, fax machines and face-to-face meetings hinders that effort.
In Rural Japan, a 370-Year-Old Tradition Falls to One Child
Every year, students in a mountain village spend months preparing for an elaborate Kabuki performance. An aging society has put their show — and their school — in jeopardy.
Japan Declared a Coronavirus Emergency. Is It Too Late?
Some medical experts said the move amounted to a tacit admission that the approach the country had adopted for months was no longer working.
Why Asia’s New Wave of Virus Cases Should Worry the World
After a surge in cases tied to international travelers, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and other places that seemed to have the epidemic under control have imposed stricter measures.