Vladimir Kara-Murza was sentenced on Monday to 25 years in a Russian penal colony.
Tag: Kara-Murza, Vladimir V
Russia Moves to Make Draft Evasion More Difficult
A new law would bar anyone called up to fight in Ukraine from leaving the country, among other restrictions, even as the Kremlin insists it is not planning a new conscription.
Jailed Putin Critics in Russia Offer New Year Messages
Seasonal greetings from imprisoned opponents offered counterprogramming of a sort to the traditional end-of-year speech from President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
Russians Seize 42 Towns in Eastern Ukraine as Fighting Intensifies
Ukrainian military officials vowed to reverse Russia’s territorial gains in what was turning into a grinding back-and-forth struggle along a front stretching more than 300 miles.
Don’t Drink the Tea: Poison Is a Favored Weapon in Russia
Poison has been a preferred tool of the Russian security service for more than a century, and critics of the Kremlin say it remains in the arsenal today.