He oversaw an island of political stability in Africa for decades. But it was a democracy in name only, as the economy stagnated and corruption flourished.
Tag: Kenya
Kenya’s High Court Delays National Biometric ID Program
The biometric system was challenged in court over privacy concerns, and fears that it could exclude millions from accessing public services.
Kenya’s New Digital IDs May Exclude Millions of Minorities
Millions face hurdles in obtaining documents to get a biometric ID card that will be required to function in the country. Without one, “you are totally a living dead,” a human rights advocate said.
Kenya’s New Digital IDs May Exclude Millions of Minorities
Millions face hurdles in obtaining documents to get a biometric ID card that will be required to function in the country. Without one, “you are totally a living dead,” a human rights advocate said.
Al Shabab Says It Attacked Kenyan Base Used by U.S.
An official in Kenya said the strike, which the terrorist group characterized as a dawn raid, had been repulsed.
Building Collapse in Nairobi Leaves at Least Four Dead, 29 Injured
The collapse in Kenya’s capital, after exceptionally heavy rains, happened months after a school building collapse in the city killed seven students.
34 Dead in Kenya After Mudslides and Floods
The government sent military and police helicopters to help those affected by the floods, but the scope of the disaster was not yet clear.
New TB Vaccine Could Save Millions of Lives, Study Suggests
There are 10 million new cases each year of tuberculosis, now the leading infectious cause of death worldwide. Even a partly effective vaccine could help turn the tide.
Scientists Fertilize Eggs From the Last Two Northern White Rhinos
A mother and daughter are the only two northern white rhinoceroses left in the world. Their eggs were fertilized using sperm from males who have died.
Lawmaker Kicked Out of Kenyan Parliament for Taking Baby to Work
Zuleikha Hassan said she took her 5-month-old to the National Assembly because an emergency had left her without child care. She was escorted from the chamber.